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Storage & Warehouses

Germany Spanish Italian French
International Storage & Warehouses Directory provides our users with information on companies in the field of expertise in warehousing and storing (Cold Storage, Liquid, Bulk and Tank Storage, etc.)

In our Directory you can find out the best rates for customs bonded warehousing, receiving and loading shipments. Directory assists you to locate a specialized international shipping company that will organize your shipments' safe warehousing and moving storage in a neat, efficient and timely manner.
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Freight Management
Fresh Warehousing and Fulfillment
Freight Management was formed in 1995 and built a Cape based business. Working in close co-operation with Cargo Care Freight Services, as well as with a global network of agents Freight Management offers services with a commitment to quality.   Fresh Warehousing has 25 years experience in the third-party logistics industry, and has been ranked in the top 100 third party logistic companies in the country by Inbound Logistics Magazine.
Garraway T S & Co Ltd
Geneva Free Ports and Warehouses Ltd
Garraway T S & Co Ltd provides a full range of shipping services: air/sea freight, warehousing, inland transportation in addition to customs brokerage.   Our company, Geneva Free Ports and Warehouses Ltd, is a ?mixed economy? corporation.
Geoffrey Reyner Ltd.
Georg Ebeling Spedition
Geoffrey Reyner Ltd has been providing the UK with a reliable transport resource since 1953.   Georg Ebeling Spedition offers an excellent warehousing service and adequate logistical solutions.
George Allinson Transport Ltd.
Gibson Freight International (Fiji)
George Allinson Transport is a privately owned family business. The company combines a modern fleet of vehicles and trailers and has over 250,000 square feet of dry storage space as well as container storage and handling facilities.   Gibson Freight International (Fiji) provides freight forwarding services by air, land and sea in Oceania region.

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