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Storage & Warehouses

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International Storage & Warehouses Directory provides our users with information on companies in the field of expertise in warehousing and storing (Cold Storage, Liquid, Bulk and Tank Storage, etc.)

In our Directory you can find out the best rates for customs bonded warehousing, receiving and loading shipments. Directory assists you to locate a specialized international shipping company that will organize your shipments' safe warehousing and moving storage in a neat, efficient and timely manner.
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Corporate Distribution Services
CPD Logistics Limited
Corporate Distribution Services includes over 100 public and contract warehouses throughout the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Mexico.   CPD Logistics is a third party (3PL) contract logistics provider of warehouse and distribution services to many different market sectors. We was founded in 1994 and headquartered in Wellesbourne.
Curry Warehouses, Inc.
Custom Services International
With two state of the art facilities and years of warehousing experience, Curry Warehouses can meet your storage and shipping needs.   Custom Services International with offices in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan is your storage and warehousing services provider.
D & S Warehousing, Inc.
D&D Transport, Inc.
D & S Warehousing, Inc. is a family owned and operated for 20 years business headquartered in Newark, Delaware.   D&D Transport offers one of the largest distribution centers in east central Mississippi with convenient access to major highways, railways and an airport. We can manage your logistics needs, allowing you to concentrate on your core business.
D'Arcy Logistics
Daalimpex Coldstores B.V.
For over 80 years, D'Arcy Logistics has offered a wide range of specialty transportation & storage-related services for corporate and government clients in Canada's National Capital Region.   Daalimpex provides world class cold storage space to the food- and non-food industry.

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