Mat Marine Agencies Ag (MMA) is a shipping agency that offers representation in Switzerland for different ocean shipping companies with scheduled services. |
Matzen Cargo is a leader in specialist export business in Sydney, Australia. |
We can provide a nationwide coverage of New Zealand ports, together with representation through a comprehensive range of services. McKay Shipping has ISO9001 certification at all offices throughout New Zealand. |
Med-Sea Shipping & Maritime Agencies Ltd has extensive experience and expertise in ship agency and brokerage in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. |
Medimare Snc is the maritime agency with locations in the port of Mazara del Vallo and Marsala is ready to give assistance to any kind of ship. |
MSC is a privately-owned company, founded in 1970 and is one of the leading global shipping lines of the world. |
The agency offers its services and is operational in Slovenia (Port of Koper) as well in all Croatian mayor ports and Montenegro/Yugoslavia (Port of Bar). |
Medsea provide our principals and customers with a professional and comprehensive service in the shipping industry. We are here to promote shipping opportunities within the Maltese Islands to prospective port users and clients. |