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Mat Marine Agencies Ag
Matzen Cargo
Mat Marine Agencies Ag (MMA) is a shipping agency that offers representation in Switzerland for different ocean shipping companies with scheduled services.   Matzen Cargo is a leader in specialist export business in Sydney, Australia.
McKay Shipping Ltd.
Med-Sea Shipping & Maritime Agencies Ltd.
We can provide a nationwide coverage of New Zealand ports, together with representation through a comprehensive range of services. McKay Shipping has ISO9001 certification at all offices throughout New Zealand.   Med-Sea Shipping & Maritime Agencies Ltd has extensive experience and expertise in ship agency and brokerage in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.
Medimare Snc
Mediterranean Shipping Company, S.A.
Medimare Snc is the maritime agency with locations in the port of Mazara del Vallo and Marsala is ready to give assistance to any kind of ship.   MSC is a privately-owned company, founded in 1970 and is one of the leading global shipping lines of the world.
Mednarodna prometna agencija
Medsea Shipping Agency
The agency offers its services and is operational in Slovenia (Port of Koper) as well in all Croatian mayor ports and Montenegro/Yugoslavia (Port of Bar).   Medsea provide our principals and customers with a professional and comprehensive service in the shipping industry. We are here to promote shipping opportunities within the Maltese Islands to prospective port users and clients.

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