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Pacific Global Logistics
Pacific Limo Services Sdn Bhd
Pacific Global Logistics can deliver... Our business is global services and our strength is our global network.   Pacific Limo: services such as crew transfer, visa, booking hotel, meet and greet crew at the airport,booking of flight ticket, etc.
Pakistan Shipping
Pole Shipping SA is a non-profit venture, initiated to provide maritime community with advantages of online communication and mutual interaction.   Pole Shipping is a Swiss company established in Geneva in 1990 as freight brokers active both in liquid and dry cargo markets.
Port to Port International Corp.
Pt. Pelita Anugerah Bahari
Port to Port International Corp is a licensed freight forwarder and NVOCC specializing in shipping from the U.S. to Central America.   PT. Pelita Anugerah Bahari is a shipping company, which has established since 1975, provides a comprehensive range of services for the shipping, mining, construction and oil & gas companies.
Rimas Shipping Co
S.G.T. - Sistema General de Transportes Ltda
Rimas Shipping Co. (S.A.E) was founded in 1990 as a private independent company, but the management has been involved in shipping business for more than 30 years.   S.G.T. ? Sistema General de Transportes Ltda., a bolivian forwarding company, is working since January 1992 and after the local office of Schenker International was closed in Bolivia.

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