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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Lapthorn Shipping Ltd.
Larvik Shipping A/S
Founded in November 1951 Lapthorn Shipping Ltd. now owns the largest dry cargo fleet flying the British Flag trading in North West Europe.   Larvik Shipping A/S was founded in 1988 having long and extensive maritime background, with years of sailing and administrative experience.
Lat-Finn Agency
Lasershipping is a registered trademark since 1991 to support the activity of consultancy in shipping and international trade. The activity is backed up by over 20 years practice.   Lat-Finn Agency was founded in 1993. It is a Latvian shipping agency, handling around 500 vessels per year. Lat-Finn Agency is the general agent of Latvian Shipping Company.
Latakia Marine And Trading Corp.
Latvian Shipping Company
Latakia Marine And Trading Corp. is a young and dynamic company in the shipping and maritime industry located in Suez and Piraeus.   Latvian Shipping Company is one of the largest shipping companies in the world able to ship your freight to any port in the world.
LCL Navigation Ltd.
Leader Group Ltd.
Founded in 1982, LCL Navigation is Canada's oldest neutral NVOCC and the foremost in terms of volume and scope of outbound service.   Leader Group Ltd was established in 1996 and headquartered in Alexandria. Since its foundation, the company has been active in the local and international markets.

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