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Cargo Transport Systems Co.
Carlbom Shipping Limited
Cargo Transport Systems Co. was established as a part of Khalifa Al Jassim Group in 1952. The company provides an efficient and reliable international transport service that can satisfy all the requirements and needs of its many customers.   Originally established in Grimsby in 1897 Carlbom offers the complete port service in the UK.
Carmar Shipping Srl
Castañer Maritime Law Offices
Established in 1991, Carmar Shipping offers high quality agency and port related services for all Romanian ports as well as logistic services, following and maintaining the standards applicable to the industry.   Maritime Law (also known as Admiralty Law) is a unique and separate body of law governing a variety of maritime-related issues such as carriage of goods by sea.
Castella Marine Services
Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia
Castella Marine Services is general marine supplier, acting as shipping agency & owners? representatives all over Egyptian Ports.   Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia is a company which offers maritime shipping services to its clients.
Chr. Jensen Shipping
Coastal Maritime Stevedoring, LLC
Chr. Jensen was established in 1896 as a ship broking company. Today the company continues its focus on shipping via the waters of the world, our business has expanded to include land and air solutions as well.   Coastal Maritime Stevedoring, LLC is a maritime shipping company that offers cargo transfer service including rail capability.

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