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Whether you are a freight forwarder or a manufacturer that needs help in transportation look through our Logistics Directory. Presented logistics companies are specialized in Third-Party Logistics (3PLs), Logistics Management, Dedicated, Global, Integrated, Reverse and E-Logistics.

International Logistics Directory supplies solution of all your problems with chain management delivery goods.
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Seviway Oy
Servimex started operations in 1926 as a wide-range service provider in the Foreign Trade area.   Seviway Oy was established in 1997 to provide logistics services and custom made solutions for all kinds of vehicle transportation, choosing the best possible route, speed and cost.
Sewon Maritime Logistics Inc.
SF Logistics (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Sewon Maritime Logistics Inc. specializes in second hand cars market & new cars in grey market & heavy cargoes.   Superior Group is an international logistics service provider, headquartered in Sepang.
SFI Group
SFI Group is one of the Pakistan?s organization on the cutting edge of international freight forwarding and logistics services industries.   SGLS Inc. based in Belleville, Michigan is specialist in global logistic.
Shan Dong Yuanpu International Logistics Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Compass Global Freight Co., Ltd.
YuanPu International Logistics Co. Ltd. is an international freight forwarder based in Qingdao, China .   Compass Global is a logistics group formed in 200. We are international transportation company, specializing on project cargoes.

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