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Whether you are a freight forwarder or a manufacturer that needs help in transportation look through our Logistics Directory. Presented logistics companies are specialized in Third-Party Logistics (3PLs), Logistics Management, Dedicated, Global, Integrated, Reverse and E-Logistics.

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John Spedition GmbH
Johnston Logistics Ltd.
John Spedition is a medium-sized forwarding and logistics company providing national and international logistic services.   Johnston Haulage Co. Ltd. was formed in 1985. The company specialises in providing end to end contract logistics solutions.
Joker Messelogistik GmbH
Jonar Transport
Joker Messelogistik vocation is to coordinate all kind of different forwarding business services to a logistics chain in order to transport your fair property (whether small or large) to every place in the world in time. Show and event logistics.   Jónar Transport offers a one-stop, comprehensive range of services and solutions for companies transporting goods to and from Iceland.
JoyHigh Shipping Ltd.
JPF Logistics Inc.
JoyHigh Shipping Ltd. is a China base international forwarding company and logistics service provider found in 1992.   JPF Logistics Inc. is an American logistics company.
JSC Gelna
JSC Rosvneshtrans
JSC "Gelna" ? transportation logistics company was established in 1998 in Klaipėda and has its representative office in Vilnius.   Rosvneshtrans Company offers the whole range of services to the import and export clients regarding the implementation of the external commercial contracts.

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