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Whether you are a freight forwarder or a manufacturer that needs help in transportation look through our Logistics Directory. Presented logistics companies are specialized in Third-Party Logistics (3PLs), Logistics Management, Dedicated, Global, Integrated, Reverse and E-Logistics.

International Logistics Directory supplies solution of all your problems with chain management delivery goods.
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H. P. Therkelsen (HPT)
H.L. Albritton Transportation
H. P. Therkelsen (HPT) is a road haulage company and transports perishable goods as well as industrial goods throughout the whole of Europe.   H.L. Albritton handles all of your logistical requirements. The company is located in Florida.
HaCas Transport Tilburg
Halcion Group
In its modern warehouse in Tilburg HaCas Transport offers you the possibility to storage and transhipment and customer specific value added logistics. The company was established in 1999.   The Halcion Group combines Halcion Express Ltd and Halcion Logistics Ltd. Together, we provide our clients with a highly flexible and powerful distribution tool.
Hales Group
Halford International
Hales Group was established in 1948 in the Port of Liverpool, to distribute fresh imported fruit on a just in time basis. Over the past 50 years we have moved this concept into the distribution of all food products.   Halford International is an Australian-owned and operated company specializing in IT based total freight management solutions.
Hallett Silbermann Limited
Hamann International NV
Hallett Silbermann is the company that has been providing different answers to logistical problems since 1946.   Hamann International NV is a Belgian privately owned transport and logistic company with branches in Antwerp and Kruishoutem.

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