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Comming Transportation Engineering Co. Ltd.
Compagnie Lebrun International
The first transportation Engineering Company to be awarded the ISO 9002 certificate by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency for the provision of heavy equipment inland transport engineering services to customers' requirements.   Compagnie Lebrun International was set up in 1987. CLI is certified ISO 9001 : 2000 by BVQI (Bureau Veritas Quality International) since the 30th of July 2003.
Concord Transportation Services, Inc.
Cone - Doprava, a.s.
Concord is a motor carrier and a transportation broker, also offering warehousing and distribution services.   Cone - Doprava, a.s. was founded in 1991. Currently we are a stabilized transportation company in Moravian-Silesian Region. Our fleet consists of 50 semi-trailer units.
Conex Freight Forwarding Inc.
Connolly Transport
Conex Freight Forwarding Inc. uses only licensed bonded carriers and maintains an excellent transit and claims record. Since 1987, each shipment receives individual attention, from one skid to a truck load.   Connolly Transport experience of all types of haulage has given our customers confidence in the professionalism we bring to our operation. Specialists in all areas of chilled and frozen distribution, especially in the field of groupage.
Connors Transfer Ltd.
Consort Shipping Ltd.
Connors Transfer is a family owned and operated transportation company headquartered in Stellarton, Nova Scotia.   Consort Shipping Limited is a privately owned company established in 1976. We provide services in two main fields: moving goods out of UK on behalf of exporters or shippers and bringing goods into the country on behalf of suppliers and importers.

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