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Freight Forwarders

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International Freight Forwarders Directory lists Freight Forwarders arranging shipping of any commodity from anywhere to anywhere.

Companies presented specialize in international Air Freight (transport, cargo air transport, airplane container, etc.), international sea freight forwarding, road/rail forwarding and operating throughout the world.
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Baltfor Ltd.
Barsan Global Logistics
Baltfor Ltd. is a full-service freight logistics provider specializing in multimodes of transportation services including sea shipping, truckload, rail delivery, intermodal and traffic management.   BGL Logistics is a provider of integrated global logistics services since 1982 including international transportation of all modes, customs clearance, warehousing, stock management and distribution with own offices in Turkey and other countries.
BAX Global Inc.
Baxglobal Intercontinental Express Limited
Bax Global. International freight forwarders   Bax Global is a Nigerian registered company which has a ten year experience in the transport and logistic field.
BBS – NVOCCs Freight forwarding services
Benair Freight International Limited
The company offers an integrated package of services that may cover all the needs of an exporter or importer to/from Romania.   Benair is a multinational freight forwarding company with a branch in Singapore and an exclusive overseas network of local partners. The Company is an NVOCC operator as well as a member of the industry?s leading trade associations.
Bernsped Logistik GmbH
Best Global Pte Ltd
Bernsped Logistik specialise in rail/road combined transport between European north- and south port and door Austrian client.   Best Global Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based freight forwarding company operating in the logistics industry.

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