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Freight Forwarders

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International Freight Forwarders Directory lists Freight Forwarders arranging shipping of any commodity from anywhere to anywhere.

Companies presented specialize in international Air Freight (transport, cargo air transport, airplane container, etc.), international sea freight forwarding, road/rail forwarding and operating throughout the world.
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Worldnet Shipping
Worldwide Energy Logistics Ltd
Worldnet Shipping is a privately owned and operated company. We are New York State Corporation formed in 1987 to provide a full range of multi-modal forwarding services.   WELL provides a full and comprehensive freight forwarding and materials handling service for both international and domestic operations.
Worldwide Logistics Systems, Saudi Arabia.
WSA International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd
Worldwide Logistics Systems is a freight forwarding company offering a complete and comprehensive package of services by sea/air and land. We have an experienced and dedicated professional team well versed in all aspects of freight forwarding & logistics.   The WSA Group based in Hong Kong is the non vessel operating common carriers (NVOCCs) provider.
WTE Group Co. Ltd.
WTO Logistics USA Inc
WTE Group is a provider of all transportation services, based in Cambodia.   Established in 2000 year, the WTO Group is an association of international freight forwarding companies.
X-Pand International Freight Ltd.
Tumpach had been established as one of the first freight forwarding companies in spring 1990.   Established in 2000, X-Pand International Freight Ltd is a UK forwarder specialising in a customer service.

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