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Freight Forwarders

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International Freight Forwarders Directory lists Freight Forwarders arranging shipping of any commodity from anywhere to anywhere.

Companies presented specialize in international Air Freight (transport, cargo air transport, airplane container, etc.), international sea freight forwarding, road/rail forwarding and operating throughout the world.
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Square House Freight.
Sreyaas Cargo Private Ltd.
Square House Freight is the UK freight forwarding company.   Sreyaas Cargo Private Limited is an Indian air shipping and freight forwarding company established in 1998.
Stabrand Spedition ApS
Stabrand Spedition, established in 1934, is one of the oldest family-owned firms of forwarding agents in Denmark.   STALCO is a UAE freight forwarding transportation company incorporated in 1974.
Standard Logistics Ltd
Stanislav Rokyta- Rost
Incorporated in Singapore in January 1994, Worldgate is managed by a team of shipping and air freight professionals. Worldgate has alliances with more than 100 foreign partners in over 150 major ports and cities spread throughout 48 countries.   Stanislav Rokyta - Rost is the international transportation company based in Nedakonice, Czech Republic.
Star Service Italia Network - International Project Cargo
Star Trans Alliance
Star Service Italia Network, company established since last 1999. We are at service of industry and shipping company to transport of containers and goods oversize Import Export. We study the best solution to forward your goods.   Star Trans Alliance is the transport-forwarding company delivers any consignments of goods all over the world by car, air, sea and train.

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