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Freight Forwarders

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International Freight Forwarders Directory lists Freight Forwarders arranging shipping of any commodity from anywhere to anywhere.

Companies presented specialize in international Air Freight (transport, cargo air transport, airplane container, etc.), international sea freight forwarding, road/rail forwarding and operating throughout the world.
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MTC UniTrans.
Multi Air Services Co.,Ltd.
MTC UniTrans is a multimodal transportation freight forwarding Russian company.   Headquatered in Bangkok area Multi can handle any size of shipment from 1 kilo upto a full charter.
Multi Container Agencies
Multi-Gold Air & Sea Express Ltd.
Multi Container Agencies is now a freight forwarder in Bangladesh having its 45 agents/counter part in different countries in the world.   Multi-Gold Air & Sea Express Ltd. is an international freight forwarding company, based in Hong Kong. The company is a member of HAFFA, IATA and FIATA.
Multicontainer S.A.
Multienlaces de Transportes Internacionales, S.A. DE C. V.
Multicontainer s.a. was established in Piraeus in 1994 is engaged in the shipping transportation among Greek forwarders who are specialized in shipping.   MTI is a young company specially created to satisfy the international transportation requirements, either export or import to any part of the world.
Multimex spedition spol. s r.o.
Multimodal Freight System Pvt Ltd
The company Multimex Spedition was founded in 1992 to provide freight forwarding and logistic services for its clients. The company is headquartered in Prague.   MFS was founded in 1992, with a vision to meet the growing needs of shipping and logistics in international trade under one banner, HQ - Mumbai; branches - Delhi, Kolkatta, Chennai , Tuticorin, Tirupur, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Cochin.

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