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International Freight Forwarders Directory lists Freight Forwarders arranging shipping of any commodity from anywhere to anywhere.

Companies presented specialize in international Air Freight (transport, cargo air transport, airplane container, etc.), international sea freight forwarding, road/rail forwarding and operating throughout the world.
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Emerlog Ltd
Emirates Sea-Air Consolidation Ltd.
Emerlog Ltd, for more than 15 years, is a unique logistics freight provider, 100% dedicated to difficult and post conflict countries shipping to Cambodia, Afghanistan, Laos, Myanmar...   Emirates Sea-Air Consolidation Ltd., which was incorporated in 1991, has been recognized in sea-air (via Dubai, United Arab Emirates) market since 1995.
Emka Trans Int'l Forwarding & Shipping Ltd
Emperor Sky Limited
Emka Trans is a logistic provider in Turkey with many years experience in forwarding and moving industry.   Emperor Sky Limited is an international air & sea freight forwarder & consolidator established in Hong Kong1989.
Empire Air & Sea Ltd.
Empire Transportation Ltd.
Empire Air & Sea Ltd. entered in Bangladesh market in 2002 as an international freight forwarding company. We can handle shipment from start to finish.   Empire Transportation Ltd. is a Canadian freight forwarding company.
Encinal International Freight & Transportation Co.,Ltd.
Encompass Overseas Shipping, Inc.
Encinal, a joint venture company, provides transportation and forwarding service for foreign trade.   Encompass Overseas Shipping, Inc. is a company with over 20 years of experience in the international trade and the freight industry. We provide you with a complete, total and reliable services for your air freight & ocean freight shipments.

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