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If you want to deliver some cargo urgently and save your time, Express Shipping directory is for you. List of companies and services, which our directory offers, will much simplify searching of the best carrier. All our companies will deliver your commodity safely and quickly!

Express Shipping carriers will save time of your shipping, and our directory will save time of your searching.
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

Smart Point Shipping Ltd.
Snap Courier Services Pty Ltd.
Smart Point Shipping Ltd. is a one of major feeder carriers providing fixed day weekly feeder services in-between Hong Kong and main ports of the Fujian Province.   Snap Courier Services Pty Ltd is extremely security conscious and that reflects in the manner we handle your consignment. We are regulated agents under the authority of the Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS).
Sonic Courier
SoDExI operates on the express transport market via a combination of its unique global network and local expertise, run from its Paris Charles-de-Gaulle Hub.   Sonic Courier began operating in 1976 as one of Florida's original courier services with its corporate headquarters located in Tampa.
Sonic Delivery, Inc.
South Hampshire Couriers
For shipments or packages that simply must arrive the same day or overnight, Sonic has ?on-demand? aircraft ready to move it. We also maintain a network of over 2000 delivery vehicles that can be accessed for deliveries to any U.S. city by ground.   South Hampshire Couriers provide a smart reliable and professional service to our customers.
Southampton Couriers
Southampton Couriers
Southampton Couriers company is specialist in same day parcel and package and pallet delivery throughout the UK. Instant direct courier service to any UK or EEC country.   Southampton Couriers provide an efficient quick response same day delivery and courier service to all parts of the UK and Europe.

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