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Express Shipping

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If you want to deliver some cargo urgently and save your time, Express Shipping directory is for you. List of companies and services, which our directory offers, will much simplify searching of the best carrier. All our companies will deliver your commodity safely and quickly!

Express Shipping carriers will save time of your shipping, and our directory will save time of your searching.
Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

SEMA Express
Send-Me Services
Sema Express is one of the first private air, tourist and courier companies in Bulgaria, established in 1989. Sema Express is a member of IATA.   Send-Me Services operates an evening and weekend delivery service from a base in Stirling, Central Scotland.
Service Courier Inc.
SenditQuick enable their customers to send large size parcels throughought the United Kingdom, with a minimum of fuss.   Service Courier Inc. (SCI) is a professional delivery company originally started to meet the specific needs of the surgical, orthopaedic implant, trauma, and medical industries.
Service Warehousing & Logistics, LLC
Shilton Express Couriers
Established in 1925, Service Warehousing & Logistics, LLC stands uniquely apart from the host of other companies that fill the pages of New York's telephone directories.   Shilton Express Couriers offer a professional sameday courier service throughout the UK and Europe.
Shoreline Express
Simply Couriers Ltd.
The business was started in 2000. Shoreline Express is serving all of Ontario, Quebec and 31 US states. We can handle anything from an envelope of documents up to loads of 10,000 lbs.   Simply Couriers Ltd is dedicated to providing a professional quality service through hard work, innovation and honesty. We offer a service level second to none 52 weeks a year 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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