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If you want to deliver some cargo urgently and save your time, Express Shipping directory is for you. List of companies and services, which our directory offers, will much simplify searching of the best carrier. All our companies will deliver your commodity safely and quickly!

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Dawn Wing Couriers
DB Express Ltd.
Dawn Wing Couriers, a division of Laser Logistics (Pty) Ltd is a courier company serving both the international and local markets, employs 300 people and manages a fleet of 100 vehicles countrywide.   DB Express Ltd. are a well established local courier that offers a reliable, friendly and professional service, which is at an affordable price with no hidden extras.
Deliverall Direct Ltd.
Denis Pick-up and Delivery
Deliverall Direct Ltd is based in the heart of Manchester. We specialize in road haulage, air freight, sameday and nextday delivery to the UK, Ireland and Euroupe.   Denis Pickup and Delivery are courier company serving the Miramichi and surrounding areas. Bilingual service.
Denver Boulder Couriers
Derby Express Couriers
Denver Boulder Couriers has been offering professional and economical courier services to the Front Range of Colorado since 1987.   Derby Express Couriers was formed in 1988 and now has an impressive reputation for speed, reliability and service throughout industry and commerce in the East Midlands.
Derek Grieves Transport
Desk To Desk Couriers
Derek Grieves Transport is a family run business established in 1985 as an owner driver operation. Currently operating 15 vehicles from base in the North East of England.   We are a New Jersey based courier company which specializes in rush deliveries.

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