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If you want to deliver some cargo urgently and save your time, Express Shipping directory is for you. List of companies and services, which our directory offers, will much simplify searching of the best carrier. All our companies will deliver your commodity safely and quickly!

Express Shipping carriers will save time of your shipping, and our directory will save time of your searching.
Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local company for the most convenient transportation and moving worldwide.

City Express, Inc.
City Today Couriers Ltd
Since starting City Express in 1989, we have been getting a package across the city, across the commonwealth, or across the country.   City Today is a premium service courier company specialising in providing innovative transport solutions to a wide range of customers throughout Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Lancashire.
Cleveland Express Trucking Co., Inc.
The UK's courier network offering sameday courier, nextday courier, international courier and specialist services on a 24/7 basis.   Cleveland Express Trucking Company was founded in 1977 to provide customers in northeastern Ohio with quality LTL and truckload service.
Clough Trucking
CMS Network
Clough Trucking provides nationwide courier service specializing in the rush same day delivery nationwide.   CMS is a leading provider of courier, mail, and facilities management services. By combining its hand delivery service with its mail and facilities management capabilities, we are able to offer innovative, cost-saving solutions for its clients.
Coast to Coast Couriers and Carriers Ltd.
Collection & Delivery Services Co., Ltd.
If you have a document, parcel, package or crate that needs transporting the same-day, overnight and in a secure environment then contact Coast to Coast Courier and Carriers Ltd. customer support team who are waiting for your call.   Collection & Delivery Services Co., Ltd. is a Chinese company which offer its clients express shipping services.

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