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Container Shipping

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We guarantee, that companies listed in our International Container Shipping Directory provide safe and timely shipment for your goods in containers and meet all standards.

For more individual shipment you can opt personal container services and for more safe movement you may opt sealed container services. Please make use of our International Container Shipping Directory to find the Container Shipping company that best meets your specific needs.
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EW Taylor & Co (Forwarding) Ltd
Great Western Steamship Company
Established for nearly 150 year, EW Taylor has been at the front end of transport and logistics and can accommodate anyone or the movement of anything by its tailor made solutions.   Great Western Steamship Company is a dynamic, U.S. owned shipping line & cargo container operator.
Horizon Lines, Llc
Incotrans GmbH Linienagentur
Horizon Lines, Inc. is the nation's leading Jones Act container shipping and logistics company. The company is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.   Incotrans renders the shipowner as well as the customer a longstanding efficient service in overseas shipping.
Independent Container Line
Inter-trans Express Lines Limited
Independent Container Line is a world-class steamship line. We provide international container transportation between Northern Europe and the East Coast of the United States.   Inter-trans Express Lines Limited. is one of the non-vessel owning common carriers, freight forwarding, container groupage services in East Africa.
Macau Port
MacKinnon Transport Inc.
Macauport - Sociedade de Administração de Portos, S.A.R.L., is providing Macau with a modern container port and an oil terminal.   Through our MacKinnon Global Logistics Division we are able to provide solutions that include all modes of transportation: over the road, intermodal and ocean. We help our customers to ship their products in the most cost effective way.

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