Zuercher Transport was founded in 1854 in Chiasso, Switzerland and specializes in the transportation of goods between Lugano and Milan. help
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Zuercher Transport

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Zuercher Transport
Phone:       0041 91 682 32 17
Fax:            0041 91 682 70 10
Web Site    

Transport by road:
- daily groupage Italy-Switzerland-Italy;
- delivery in the whole Switzerland;
- transportation of exclusive and express goods;
- full load service available;
- fleet owned by Zuercher;
- transport warehousing and distribution custom formalities for Italy and Switzerland.

Transportation by air:
- export: consolidated flights from Milan and Zurich;
- import: consolidated flights to Italy and Switzerland from the Far East and the USA;
- daily link between Chiasso and zurich Airport agencies worldwide.

Special services:
- customs warehousing;
- transports with armoured vehicles;
- armed escorts;
- application for cites in Rome and Bern;
- government license Rome;
- ]transportation of works of art;
- packaging;
- storage room IVA;
- insurance;
- extended credit management;
- customs administration for Italy and Switzerland;
- a dynamic, flexible team looks after your goods.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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