Worldley Logistics is a international freight forwarder and logistics services provider, specializes in handling freight from and to all destinations in the world. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Worldley Logistics Limited

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Worldley Logistics Limited
Contact:    Mr. Gary Chau
Phone:       852-2773-2770
Fax:            852-2773-2700
Address:Room 1010, 10/F., Tower 1, Millennium City 1, 388
Kowloon , Hong Kong
Web Site    

Our services include :
- logistics services;
We arrange the shipment of your goods from their source to their destination.

- freight forwarding;
1) improve your buying power;
2) smooth your business cycle;
3) streamline your supply chain;
4) provide greater flexibility;
5) reduce your internal transaction management needs;
6) give you more time to concentrate on your core business;
7) generate significant cost savings opportunities for your company.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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