Our team is made up of young professionals in the area of sourcing, procurement, courier services, transport, freight forwarding, logistics, warehousing, marketing and computer literacy which make us stand out in the area of projection. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Widescope International Logistics Ltd.

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Widescope International Logistics Ltd.
Phone:       234- 01 -8903114
Address:2, Ogunfowokan Street, Ibeh Road, by Okota Rounda
Web Site    

The basic directions of activity of the company:
- procurement process management, including finance ( if required);
- facilitate inspection of goods in the country of supply;
- quality documentation process management payment of custom duty on behalf of client if required);
- high priority cargo shipment;
- warehousing services;
- export logistics;
- other services;
- courier services;
- transport planning;
- shipping consulting;
- charter vessels and aircraft;
- bulk clearing (wet or dry cargoes);
- project management;
- ship brokerage;
- manufacturer's representative.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



Customer's Reviews:

Muhtar Mohammed

I once gave this Company a project job of 48 tonnes and i'm glad to say it was done perfectly.

It' my great pleasure to recommend her to other companies.

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