United Kingdom
Ward Aviation Support Ltd was established in July 2003 to provide cargo handling facilities at Bristol International Airport a much needed service benefiting both regional and international carriers as well as local industry. help
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Ward Aviation Support Ltd

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United Kingdom
Ward Aviation Support Ltd
Phone:       + 44 (0) 1275 472292
Fax:            + 44 (0) 1275 475202
Address:Off Cooks Bridle Path Bristol International Airpo
Bristol , England
BS48 3EP
Web Site    

Our services are the following:
- cargo handling, exports: we act as a reception point for exports. We screen the cargo, produce the required documentation and ensure goods are loaded on the aircraft.
- cargo handling, imports: we will handle cargo inbound to Bristol Intl airport ensuring it is logged on the customs abs2000 system. For cargo that does not require customs clearance, it is usually available for collection within an hour of flight arrival.
- customs clearance: we can expedite customs clearance for imports & exports.
- personal effects: rather than sending your personal effects as excess baggage, you can fly your goods as cargo and usually reduce costs significantly. contact us for further information.
- pets: fly your pets directly from your Bristol Intl, your regional airport rather than traveling to London or other remote airports to export your pets.
- general cargo: all types of general cargo fly from Bristol.
- dangerous goods: many of the airlines we handle for carry dangerous goods which we are fully trained to deal with.
- warehousing & storage: our 12,000 sq ft bonded warehouse is fully operational. We can handle and store domestic cargo and provide long and short term storage. Pick & pack, sorting and labelling services are available on request
- handling of sea freight containers: handling is facilitated by our experience staff, forklifts & ramp equipment.

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