Royal Vopak provides independent tank terminal capacity over the whole world to the chemical and oil industries for the storage of liquid chemical products and oil products. help
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Vopak Agencies B.V.

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Vopak Agencies B.V.
Phone:       +31 10 2942222
Fax:            +31 10 2942113
Address:Droogdokweg 71
3089 JN
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Port Agencies
The Vopak Group of Companies is involved in deep sea, coastal and inland shipping and owns a worldwide network of tank storage facilities for all kinds of mineral oils, chemicals, edible oils and gas commodities. Our agency activities for these vessels and the company's background provides us with an unrivalled know-how on account of which we consider ourselves specialists in agency work for all sizes of chemical, oil and gas tankers.
Through our heritage we also operate in the dry bulk sector of shipping.

International Hub Services
Over the years, ship owners, operators and charterers have built an extensive network of agents in a large number of ports in many countries. All these countries, ports and agents have their peculiarities in respect of procedures, tariffs, payments and submitting Disbursement Accounts.

A specialized department for the handling of all kinds of ship's spares including storing, airfreighting, shipping, road transport etc. This department is worldwide house forwarder for a variety of major ship owners.
Furthermore one of the special activities is the handling of offshore material either in Rotterdam or at sea through our unique location in the centre of the Rotterdam port area where it is possible to move all goods at short notice to any location or destination via excellent road, rail and water connections.

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