Veslam Shipping is a 100% private Bulgarian freight forwarding company established 1993 at Varna. help
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Veslam Shipping Ltd

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Veslam Shipping Ltd
Contact:    Ivan Ivanov
Phone:       +359-52-601220
Fax:            +359-52-601219
Address:3, Sofia str, fl.4
Varna , Black Sea
Web Site    

We provide a wide range of cargo handling service in Varna ports area and adjacent terminals, stuffing and unstuffing containers, warehousing, storage and stowing of cargo.

Custom clearance department as it includes clearance of goods for import, export and transit trough Varna, Burgas and other Bulgarian custom's offices. Licensed custom broker since 1998 under License No 98-2/27.04.2000.

Ships' Agency department is capable to render a qualified and professional service at very competitive rates.

Brokerage and chartering. Having direct contacts with numerous ship owners, operators, trading offices, the chartering department can propose a suitable vessel for transport by sea any kind of cargo.

International road transport department operating at Sofia branch office and working:
International Road Transport export / import from/to Bulgaria in general to/from any place in Europe

On particular destinations Romania-Bulgaria-Romania as an exclusive representative of few Romanian truck carriers for Bulgaria, as well as any destination to Europe and CIS countries.

Manning department started its activity in October 2001 as exclusive manning
agent for Bulgaria of the world famous ship owner "Egon Oldendorff".

World-wide container service door to door.

We work in very close relation with container shipping lines: NYK, United Arab Shipping Company, Maersk, MSC servicing Far East, Arab Gulf, as well as other destination worldwide.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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