Czech Republic
Vaclav Shorny Transport Company |
Phone: 00420 606 777 455
Address: | Ant. Smutneho 643/89 A, 664 47 Strelice Brno | |
Web Site
We use Citroen and Renault delivery vans.
We offer 12 cubic meters of freight hold and up to 1800 kg of merchantable weight.
The freight hold is 12 cubic meters: 3,36 m lenght; 1,8 m width. The space in between the wings is 1,39 m
The other alternative is: 3,7 m lenght, 1,74 m width, the heigt 1,88 m. The space in between the wings in this case is 1,30 m and the height of the back door gate is 1,80 m.
We can drive up to you or provide the haulage of goods acording to your requierements.
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