Helicopter operator Ukrainian Helicopters has been working for many years in the global market of aviation services. We flew in Africa, Middle East, Asia, North America, Europe and all over Ukraine. help
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Ukrainian helicopters

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Ukrainian helicopters
Contact:    Oleksandr Tereshchenko
Phone:       38 044 3311136
Address:Frunze 19-21
Kiev , Kyiv
Web Site    

We offer a full spectrum of comprehensive, customer-oriented, cost-effective helicopter services (24hrs a day, 365 days a year) all around the globe, including:
- helicopter heavy lifting services, passengers and cargo transportation;
- helicopters for general transportation in difficult terrain;
- all construction and assembling operations in remote areas, pipe lines laying, installation facilities of all types onto high buildings (we can meet the lifting requirements for any number of construction projects);
- fire-fighting services by helicopters equipped with water buckets and sophisticated detection system;
- urgent search and rescue flights (S&R) to places of accidents and disasters in order to render first aid to the victims and Medical evacuation;
- installing, servicing and flying to oil and gas rigs (offshore works);
- aerial survey (including gas and oil lines control flights, power line inspections), etc.

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