
TRIMAR S.r.l. |
Phone: +39 040 362 535 Fax: +39 040 361 981
Address: | Via Santa Caterina da Siena, 7 Trieste 34122 | |
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Trimar provides services either via direct truck or intermodal transport according to the needs of its clients.
The company is currently active not only in North-East Italy and in former Yugoslavia but also in its neighboring countries: Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Rumania.
Trimar can also cater for Southern Germany via the existing block train services from Trieste.
Considering the large number of national markets covered by Trimar and in order to ease communication and to guarantee better coordination it was decided to concentrate commercial and operational activity in Trieste and to leave Trimar peripheral network – branches and agencies – in charge of local logistic coordination i.e.: port operations and connections with internal terminals and local operators.
Trimar Koper - Trimar branch in Slovenia. It is located in the port of Koper. It also caters for activities which are complementary to maritime services for example port assistance and customs operations: import, export and transit.
Trimar Rijeka - Trimar branch in Croatia. This office is also charged with the Croatian-Muslim territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Trimar port branch in Ploce.
Trimar Belgrade - Trimar Belgrade Office is charged with Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, the Serbian territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Trimar port branch in Bar (Montenegro) and with routeing via ports of Bar and Thessaloniki (Greece).
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