
Transport & Projects Logistics |
Phone: +32.3.454.02.67 Fax: +32.3.454.69.19 |
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Project logistics services
TPL organizes the facilitation part of the project, this includes all critical parts of the project :
- feasibility planning;
- project pricing and reccie;
- study of packaging requirements;
- precarriage of out of gauge cargo;
- central grouping in our warehouse;
- stuffing, lashing, securing and dunnaging of containers;
- choice of maritime carrier, we can conclude on FIOS, hook/hook or Full Liner Terms basis in accordance with the InCo-Terms.;
- shipment will be evidenced by 1 single document (we prefer the safe FIATA B/L);
- inquiry on local situation so as to organize a smooth delivery at jobsite.
Road transportation services:
- specialists in the transportation of heavy or abnormal goods;
- the solution for transportation of all types of indivisible load up to a live load of 1200 tones;
- the system safely adapts to every type of load being transported, whatever the road difficulties on the road.
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