Transport Mervielde is an independent transport company, specialised in the transport of dangerous and non- dangerous liquids in road tankers and tank containers throughout Europe. help
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Transport Mervielde NV

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Transport Mervielde NV
Phone:       0032/(0)9.341.96.96
Fax:            0032/(0)9.344.84.66
Address:Monumentstraat 13
Rieme , Ertvelde
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We specialise in the transport of dangerous and non- dangerous liquids in road tankers and tank containers:

- national and international tank transport:
a) transport of liquids for the chemical and oil industry;
b) all chemicals vehicles are ADR approved;
c) vehicle fleet adapted to the specific requirements of clients and geared to the products to be transported;
d) central location with fast connections to Brussels, Antwerp , the Netherlands and northern France;
e) principal destinations are: Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France and Germany;
f) 75 road tankers (single and compartmentalised);
g) additional specialisation in the distribution of liquid lubricants.

- intermodal transport;
To offer a solution to the specific logistical requirements of our clients, we also offer intermodal transport where we cooperate with screened partners who use the same policy relating to safety and quality.

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