Czech Republic

Transped-SOC spol. s r.o. |
Phone: +420 49 5772 111 Fax: +420 49 5772 210
Address: | Nerudova 107
CZ - 500 02. Hradec 42197031 | |
Web Site
The basic directions of activity of the company:
1. road transport:
- transport of dangerous goods;
- transport of oversize loads including ensuring;
- applicable permits for the transport;
- collect service;
- fully loaded deliveries;
- partial loads;
- door to door delivery;
2. air transport:
- transport of package deliveries;
- storage directly in logistic area;
- distribution and bringing;
3. sea transport:
- transport of goods from docks to docks including handling all necessary documents for loading and unloading of the containers;
- transport of dangerous goods and goods of special nature;
- transport of material for investment actions including the transport survey;
- transport of package deliveries from door to door;
- conventional transport of semi-collect character;
- container transport;
4. sea freight:
- N.V.O.C.C. consolidators' services;
- personal effects handling;
- full container loading (FCL);
- less container loading (LCL);
- reefer (freighted) container hiring;
- door-to-door services.
5. logistics;
6. custom services.
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