
TransCorEMA |
Phone: (373-2) 72 90 91 Fax: (373-2) 72 90 91 |
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The basic priority directions of activity of the transport-forwarding enterprise "TransCorEMA":
- forwarding of cargo railway, sea and other transportations on the CIS-countries;
- granting of the most favourable conditions of transportation, quotation of the rates from a point of departure up to destination;
- transit customs declaration of cargoes;
- rendering on ecological and fito sanitary control;
- transit and transhipment of cargoes the through ports of Reni, Izmail, Odessa;
- the company "Transcorema" is the freight-agent of the shipping company "Ukrferry", of cargoes by sea transportation;
- issue of a financial guarantee for transit of excise cargoes on Ukraine;
- flexible discount system;
- tracing of cargoes;
- the automated system of operative management of cargo traffic provides an effective control the and allows to determine;
- the exclusive tariffs and competitive rates on export-import and transit transportations of cargoes on Belorussian, Tovrussia, Ukraine, Moldova.
- operative arrangment and rent of mobile special rolling stock for on transportation of bulk cargoes of winematerial, juices, concentrates, vegetable, molasses.
- granting of the special rolling-stock and tank of containers for realization of transportations of bulk cargoes (juices, concentrates, vegetable oil).
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