The House of Patels holds 70 per cent of the market share in the courier co-loading industry in India and is also active in the logistics, foreign exchange and inward remittance business. help
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The House of Patels

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The House of Patels
Phone:       +91 (22) 2605 2915
Fax:            +91 (22) 2605 8420
Address:“Patel House”, Plot No 48, Gazdhar Bandh, North
400 054
Web Site    

Patel Roadways Ltd.
Patels flagship company, Patel Roadways Ltd. (PRL), is engaged in the business of road transportation and surface logistics in India, moving cargo worth Rs. 60 billion annually for more than 65,000 satisfied customers. The company provides service delivery to over 1,000 locations in India, with guaranteed daily dispatches on 50 routes and containerised movement on all major routes.

PRL provides two major categories of service solutions - Full Truck Load (FTL) and Sundries, supported by a strong nationwide infrastructure. Armed with 1000 stations and over 300 warehouses spread across 200,000 sq. ft. in India, PRL’s reach extends to far-flung regions and assures customers of the best services at the most reasonable rates.

PRL also undertakes the transportation of heavy ODC and small consignments. The company has recently started a special Express Service called Patel On-Schedule, for time sensitive consignments in all the major centres of India.

Patel On-Board Couriers Ltd.
The House of Patels diversified into the courier co-loading business in 1988. Group company, Patel On-Board Couriers Ltd. (POBC), is engaged in the co-loading of courier and cargo both within India and across the globe.
Its network stretches across the Indian sub-continent as well as Europe, North America, the Middle East and South East Asia.

The company also offers domestic and international air cargo services through its IATA-approved division, Patel Airfreight (PAF). This division provides specialised products to cater to the varied needs of its domestic clients, namely, Door to Door, Door to Airport, Airport to Door and Airport to Airport packages.

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