The CSL Group Inc. is a Canadian based company headquartered in Montreal. The company specializes in self-unloading bulk carriers with inland, coastal and deep sea trading capabilities. help
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The CSL Group Inc.

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The CSL Group Inc.
Phone:       514-982-3910
Fax:            514-982-3802
Address:759 Square Victoria, 6th Floor
Montreal , Quebec
H2Y 2K3
Web Site    

The company has affiliated offices in Halifax, Winnipeg, Burlington, Boston, Singapore and Sydney, Australia.

Canada Steamship Lines, based in Montreal, owns and operates a 15 vessels' strong fleet navigating on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Waterway system. This market constitutes the lion's share of The CSL Group's overall activities.

While continuing to be committed to its domestic market The Group has expanded its activities to include the East and West Coasts of North America, the Caribbean, South America, the Far East and Australia.

Based in Beverly, MA, CSL International manages the international shipping interests of The CSL Group. The company manages an ocean pool of 18 self-unloading vessels, 8 of which are wholly owned, ranging in size from handysize to Panamax.

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