United States
TexEx Courier & Messenger, Inc. is a 24 hour a day, full service same day courier and messenger that serves medical, high-tech, and professional companies throughout the Houston Galveston Metro Area. help
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TexEx Courier and Messenger Service, Inc.

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United States
TexEx Courier and Messenger Service, Inc.
Phone:       1-866-698-3939
Fax:            281-474-9106
Address:909 Mystic Village Lane
Seabrook , Texas
Web Site    

Legal courier services
TexEx Courier & Messenger is proud to present a fully specialized and highly professional attorney service for our customers in the legal profession. Our service includes, but is not limited to, court filings, process service, proof of service documentation, signature service, subpoena preparation, legal research and file copy service. We know the Municipal District and Federal Courts and know the requirements of timely service in this arena.

Medical courier services
We can service a full array of medical specialties. TexEx drivers are equipped with the skills and training to handle a variety of medical delivery functions, including radio-pharmaceuticals and biohazard material. The company is equipped and trained to carry and handle frozen, refrigerated and room temperature samples – individually or in bulk. On the ground, we can run individual pick-ups for STAT testing, as well as structure routes to do a collection from medical facilities over a broad area.

Financial/banking courier services
Our services include pick-ups and deliveries for banks and credit unions on an inter-branch basis along with deliveries to the Federal Reserve. Customer deposit pick-ups, marketing deliveries and loan packets are also serviced. The company handles a number of deliveries for financial and investment related companies.

Air courier services
For deliveries nationwide, TexEx Courier & Messenger utilizes a combination of aircraft and drivers to deliver your package anywhere, faster than anyone else. Inbound, we service the airports in our area with on-time pick-up and delivery. We represent several nationwide couriers as their local Houston agent because of the professional level of service we provide.

Industrial courier services
The company provides 24 hour a day on demand service for a variety of businesses in the refining, manufacturing, petrochemical and industrial markets. Performing services such as Hot Shot parts delivery, warehousing and distribution support, off shore support, oil field and construction site support are only a few of the many tasks that we do.

We provide professional courier services for the following industries:
- publishers;
- advertising agencies;
- city governments;
- school districts;
- caterers;
- graphic artists;
- architects;
- engineers;
- consultants;
- marketing companies;
- printers;
- designers;
- sign makers;
- specialty retailers;
- accountants;
- computer companies;
- photographers;
- gift companies;
- department stores;
- media & audio.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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