
Sudarshan Cargo Private Limited |
Phone: +91-080-522 4090 Fax: +91-080-522 6406
Address: | No. 342, 2nd Floor,
S.B.I. Building,
Airport Exi Bangalore 560017 | |
Web Site
- liaisoning with airline, consolidation agents, steamer agents on arrival status and obtaining delivery orders;
- filing bills of entry/shipping bills with customs;
- assessment of the bill of entry;
- assisting in payment of customs duty, custodian charges and airline/carrier charges etc;
- conducting open examination of consignments;
- supervise and ensuring proper handling of the consignments during loading/unloading to the trucks, to avoid damage or deterioration of the goods;
- clearing of the consignment;
- ensuring timely delivery of the cleared goods to your facility;
- submitting detailed status of import consignments cleared or pending;
- warehousing (bonding) - clearance for home consumption (debonding);
- processing and cancellation of customs bond (viz. p d bond, test bond etc);
- give consultancy and advice on imports;
- processing and clearance under DEEC / DEPB scheme;
- processing refund claims;
- processing of bonded warehouse licensee for 100% EOU and STP units;
- bonding of premises for 100% EOU and STP units;
- debonding of premises for 100% EOU and STP units;
- depute representatives whenever assistance is required.
- filing of free/drawback of shipping bills with customs;
- inspection of goods;
- assessment of shipping bills;
- transfer of goods to export terminal;
- complete formalities for export shipment and liaisoning with airline,
consolidation agents/steamer agents;
- processing drawback claims;
- submitting detailed status of import consignments shipped or pending;
- give consultancy and advice on exports.
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