Sudarshan Cargo Pvt. Ltd. is a licensed custom house agent with a strong base at Bangalore and branch offices at Chennai, Mumbai, and at Delhi and Hyderabad through our business associates. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Sudarshan Cargo Private Limited

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Sudarshan Cargo Private Limited
Phone:       +91-080-522 4090
Fax:            +91-080-522 6406
Address:No. 342, 2nd Floor, S.B.I. Building, Airport Exi
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- liaisoning with airline, consolidation agents, steamer agents on arrival status and obtaining delivery orders;
- filing bills of entry/shipping bills with customs;
- assessment of the bill of entry;
- assisting in payment of customs duty, custodian charges and airline/carrier charges etc;
- conducting open examination of consignments;
- supervise and ensuring proper handling of the consignments during loading/unloading to the trucks, to avoid damage or deterioration of the goods;
- clearing of the consignment;
- ensuring timely delivery of the cleared goods to your facility;
- submitting detailed status of import consignments cleared or pending;
- warehousing (bonding) - clearance for home consumption (debonding);
- processing and cancellation of customs bond (viz. p d bond, test bond etc);
- give consultancy and advice on imports;
- processing and clearance under DEEC / DEPB scheme;
- processing refund claims;
- processing of bonded warehouse licensee for 100% EOU and STP units;
- bonding of premises for 100% EOU and STP units;
- debonding of premises for 100% EOU and STP units;
- depute representatives whenever assistance is required.
- filing of free/drawback of shipping bills with customs;
- inspection of goods;
- assessment of shipping bills;
- transfer of goods to export terminal;
- complete formalities for export shipment and liaisoning with airline,
consolidation agents/steamer agents;
- processing drawback claims;
- submitting detailed status of import consignments shipped or pending;
- give consultancy and advice on exports.

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