Sri Lanka
Speed International Logistic Services is a dynamic freight forwarding company and is located in Colnbrook. Speed International through its overseas associates is able to offer services from UK, USA, Far East, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent. help
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Speed International Logistics Pvt Ltd

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Sri Lanka
Speed International Logistics Pvt Ltd
Contact:    Rizni Ismail
Phone:       94 11 2447945
Fax:            94 11 567575
Address:10A, Ground Floor, YMBA Building, Fort
Colombo , Fort
Web Site    

The company is able to offer comprehensive cargo handling facilities for its customers as well its overseas associates by providing the following facilities:
- warehousing (temporary and long term);
- air freight forwarding (import/export);
- sea freight forwarding (import/export);
- road freight forwarding (import/export);
- logistic services;
- courier.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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