Special Cargo Services is a Dutch based company, specialized in the transport and handling of dangerous goods. help
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Special Cargo Services

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Special Cargo Services
Phone:       020-655 6262
Fax:            020-655 6282
Address:Breguetlaan 7, Sky Park, Oude Meer, P.O. Box 75709
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Our services are the following:
- packing of dangerous goods in accordance with the international regulations for air transport (ICAO / IATA), sea transport (IMDG-code) and road transport (ADR);
- preparing dangerous goods related documents in accordance with the International Regulations;
- checking, marking, labeling and inspection of dangerous goods shipments;
- taking over legal liability / responsibility for dangerous goods shipments from the original shipper;
- providing training courses relating to the transport, handling and storage of dangerous goods for all modes of transport;
- providing consultation source for manufacturers, shippers, agents, trucking companies, airlines and ship owners regarding the national and international regulations for transport, handling and storage of dangerous goods;
- acting as safety adviser in accordance with the European Directive for companies who transport or handle dangerous goods;
- providing a 24 hour a day monitored Emergency Response Telephone number;
- developing and supply of software related to the transport of dangerous goods.

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