We introduce ourselves as SCC Aviation Company formerly ship car container company based in Tripoli. The company has vast experience in aviation since 1948. help
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SCC Aviation Services Company

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SCC Aviation Services Company
Phone:       +218 (0)21 340 0284
Fax:            +218 (0)21 340 3279
Address:Al-Nofleen Street, Zawit Edhamani Area
Web Site    

Beside our consultation services throughout the region of North Africa, we cover the following services at Libyan airports:
- assist and arrange over-flying and landing licences;
- arrange handling of passenger and cargo flights;
- fuel supply (Jet A-1 and Avgas 100 LL). Coverage within short notice;
- supervise and liaise with local authorities to overcome difficulties;
- mediate for aircraft short and long chartering to local operators and airlines;
- aircraft management and utilization;
- arrange catering uplifts at short notice;
- full credit facilities;
- hotel reservation for passengers and flight crew at short notice.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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