Salamarine Egypt is a provider of maritime transportation & logistics services can link your cargo to almost any where in the globe. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Salamarine Egypt Group

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Salamarine Egypt Group
Phone:       + (202) 5198883
Fax:            + (202) 5202811
Address:14 D Magdi Salama Road, Ellaselky area, El Maadi
Web Site    

Our scope of services include:
- fully logistic services to shippers and consignees to hinterland destinations in Egypt;
- in house specialties to customize documents formate for electronic data issuing;
- computerized documentation systems that minimize human errors and insures prompt connection to feeders;
- we provide transshipment operation at any of the Egyptian ports;
- daily reporting of container movement;
- fully computerized container control systems;
- freight and demurrage control systems;
- provisional vessel's d/a within 48 hours from vessel departure;
- booking system that insures maximum usage of equipment that would save repositioning costs.

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