Repute Express is a courier services company of India, established in 1995. help
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Repute Express

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Repute Express
Phone:       823 5117
Fax:            822 6866
Address:Flat No.3, 2nd Floor, D Block, Gemini Parsn Apart
Chennai , Anna Salai
600 006
Web Site    

Our main services include:
- service centres;
There are about 19 service centres which provide their services for us. Each service centre has an Incharge who take care of the operation. The number of field staff may differ from one service centre to another depending on the area they cover and cleints they have.
- booking of documents;
The booking is done both in the service centre and as well as outside by door pick-up. There are a few on booking like illegal items cannot be booked, currency cannot be booked.
- customer complaint cell;
The complaints cell in the head office, here complaints of different kinds are received and solved then and there. The service centres try to solve the complaints they get, if unable to do so, they forward the complaints to the complaints cell of the head office. The complaints cell maintained a book of complaints, wherein they enter all the complaints from the service centres and also the complaints lodged by the consignor/consignee directly.

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