Provincial Transport Services specializes in providing dedicated logistics programs for its customers. We provide freight movement between Canada, the United States, and abroad. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Provincial Transport Services

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Provincial Transport Services
Contact:    Paul Curry
Phone:       (519)659-3877
Fax:            (519) 659-4698
Address:570 Clarke Road
London , Ontario
N5V 3K5
Web Site    

For our customers we offer:
- serving Ontario/Canada & United States;
- linked with over 100,000 trucks worldwide;
- a modern fleet of expediting units and tractor trailers;
- one single damage claim in 26 years of operation;
- satellite linked / cellular phone equipped;
- cross docking & distribution terminals;
- point to point helicopter service available in certain regions;
- a line shutdown due to being late has not occured since 1983;
- on line tracking of freight;
- land, air & sea;
- air expedites.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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