Profreight-Logistic-Group was established in 1989 in Bremen/Germany. During the following years new branches and offices in Germany and Europe have been established. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Profreight Spedition GmbH

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Profreight Spedition GmbH
Phone:       +49/421-3 35 34-0
Fax:            +49/421-3 35 34-49
Address:Rembertistrasse 28
Web Site    

Project & heavy lift transportation
Domestic forwarding
FOB (free on board) shipments pre- and oncarriage to/from the seaports by truck, river barge or rail consolidated cargo handling

International forwarding
Import and export of FCL-Containers weekly consolidation containers to various destinations worldwide consolidation points at all main seaports.
Container stuffing and stripping by specialists.

Heavy lift trucking
Heavy lift - overwidth – overlenght within West- and Easteurope, Central Asia
Platform / extendible - Low Bed / extendible
Jumbos up to high 3,10 mtr inside
Semi Platform - MEGA Platform
Vessel bridge

Beside the usual forwarding services we also offer transport insurances, transport consultancy and feasibility concepts made by engineers.
We also organize dismantling and rigging works for machines and complete production plants by specialized engineering companies.

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