Founded in 1982, Pro Service offer the service of a modern airfreight forwarder. From Munich Airport, Pro Service is able to focus on solving many problems and providing the highest service level. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Pro Service

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Pro Service
Phone:       0049 / 89 / 9761-0
Fax:            0049 / 89 / 9761-903
Address:Airport Munich Suedallee Modul C, 3rd Floor
Web Site    

Pro Service provides airfreight export:
a) via IATA direct flight for urgent shipments;
b) via consolidation for less costs;
c) daily consolidation for shipments over 100 kg.

Pick up service for your import shipments worldwide available:
a) via IATA direct flight for urgent shipments
b) via consolidation for less costs

Customs clearance
a) tax and duty;
b) return shipments;
c) clearance on carnet;
e) partial clearing;
g) all other clearances;
d) open customs warehouse;
f) other temporary import clearance.

Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great


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