Prakash Freight are Indian freight forwarding agents specializing in rendering freight forwarding services throughout the world. help
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Prakash Freight Movers Ltd.

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Prakash Freight Movers Ltd.
Contact:    Mr. Mukesh Minhas
Phone:       0091 11 26233334
Fax:            0091 11 26230445
Address:C-197, 2nd Floor, Greater Kailash - I, Opp. M-Bloc
New Delhi
Web Site    

We organise and manage sea freight shipments worldwide. Backed by the latest computer technology and staffed by dedicated specialist staff, we offer:
- LCL & FCL services worldwide;
- import & export;
- competitive pricing;
- specialist staff experienced in handling;
- conventional and out of gauge loads;
- ERTS & customs warehousing;
- import customs clearance;
- insurance services;
- sea freight forwarding;
- air freight forwarding.

The company's air freight department has many years of experience in all types of commodities and can ship your goods to just about any country quickly and cost effectively utilizing proven air carriers.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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