Sri Lanka
Oceanair Logistic (Private) Ltd corporate office is located in Colombo. The company handles a variety of commodities and due to large volumes. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Oceanair Logistics (Pvt) Ltd.

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Sri Lanka
Oceanair Logistics (Pvt) Ltd.
Contact:    Mr.Pradeep Dunuwilla
Phone:       0094 114 + 736 581
Fax:            0094 114 + 736 580
Address:88 Justice Akbar Mawatha
Web Site    

Ar Freight
Our airfreight services include:
- special air freight rates for bulk movements;
- export and import air freight consolidations;
- combined air- sea freight service;
- door to door delivery;
- custom brokerage;
- warehousing, distribution and delivery;
- project freight;
- order follow-up tracking system;
- supply chain tracking system;
- provide attractive rates for chartered services on request.

Ocean Freight
We offer following ocean freight services:
- sea freight export / import consolidation;
- combined air, sea freight services;
- door to door delivery;
- custom brokerage;
- L.C.L consolidation;
- F.C.L consolidation;
- warehousing, distribution and delivery;
- order follow-up tracking systems;
- supply chain tracking systems;
- factory stuffing;
- multi-model transport operators;
- infrastructure and services facilities at all sea ports and dry parts.

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