NBS Maritime Agency was founded in 1998 rendering the services of attending to the vessels in the ports of Black and Azov sea region through the wide network of reliable sub agencies. help
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NBS Maritime Agency

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NBS Maritime Agency
Phone:       +380 512 500426
Fax:            +380 512 473141
Address:12-A Sovetskaya str.
Web Site    

NBS Maritime Agency is a member of Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agencies (FONASBA) and Association of Maritime Agencies of Ukraine (AMAU).

NBS Maritime Agency is the first and only agency in Nikolaev, which has successfully passed certification according to the international quality standard ISO 9002:1994 which proves that NBS Maritime Agency is ready to offer high quality services.

Today, our agency closely cooperates with a prominent Ukrainian and international shipping companies, agencies, repair ship chandlers and forwarding companies.

NBS Maritime Agency is organized with the most advanced equipment.
Personal contacts and constant 24 hours availability for customers are the basis of the success of our agency.

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