Nautilus Trading is a company with an extensive experience in the agency services at Puerto Cabello, El Palito, Venterminales, Terquimca and Borburata ports. help
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Nautilus Trading, S.A.

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Nautilus Trading, S.A.
Contact:    Lic. Fidel Barrios
Phone:       58-242-3641343
Fax:            58-242-3641343
Address:Urb. Cumboto Sur, C.C. Pareca, Piso 2, Oficina 2-7
Puerto Cabello , Carabobo
Web Site    

We are currently applying for BIMCO certification and registration. In Nautilus Trading we emphasize our efforts in serving to all our customers and to protect its interests; We have a staff of personnel with an extensive experience in the ports management areas, such as: maritime freights, brokerage, oil tankers, chemical carriers, lpg, general cargoes, containers, among others, offering services of stowage and a lot more!! Due to our extensive knowledge in the areas of ports and transportation, Nautilus Agency of Ports provides its clients of an effective, expedite, reliable at a low cost during the stopover of its ships in the Venezuelan ports. Please kindly give us a call, and ask for our prices and quality services. Quality is our goal!!

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This agency is very high profesional with lower cost and excellente attention to the crew, vessels.

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