Intercontinental container service from/to Poland. Customs brokerage. Inland trucking of containers from the ports of Gdynia/Hamburg to many central/eastern European destinations. help
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Multilogistics I.C.S.

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Multilogistics I.C.S.
Phone:       +48 58 6769668
Fax:            +48 58 6769668
Web Site    

Ocean Freight:
Having strong relationships with some of the World's leading steam-ship lines a network of overseas agents to support them, we are able to offer Ocean Container service
(both LCL and FCL) to and from many international destinations.

Air Freight:
The existing relationships that MULTILOGISTICS shares with many airlines, strengthened by the support of our agents abroad enables us to offer
both inter- and trans-continental service,
both import and export.

Ground Transport:
Through the experience of our management team and interaction with only the best service providers around, MULTILOGISTICS offers trucking across Western, Central and Eastern Europe, both in- and out-bound.
We also offer rail container service from German and Polish ports.

Customs Brokerage:
MULTILOGISTICS provides a full array of customs brokerage tools for its client.
Whether import or export, MULTILOGISTICS can handle your customs needs.

Warehousing & Distribution:
To ensure full integration into our clients businesses we offer both warehousing and distribution. This enables us to assist clients who are Non-Resident Importers (NRI)
conduct business within European Countries.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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